“May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.”

"This report is maybe 12-years-old. Parliament buried it, and it stayed buried till River dug it up. This is what they feared she knew. And they were right to fear because there's a whole universe of folk who are gonna know it, too. They're gonna see it. Somebody has to speak for these people. You all got on this boat for different reasons, but you all come to the same place. So now I'm asking more of you than I have before. Maybe all. Sure as I know anything I know this, they will try again. Maybe on another world, maybe on this very ground swept clean. A year from now, 10, they'll swing back to the belief that they can make people . . . better. And I do not hold to that. So no more running. I aim to misbehave." ~ Captain Malcom Reynolds

Monday, September 30, 2024

Time (keeping) in Retrograde

I like tech. I like convenience. This isn't anything new - I still remember working on a TRS-80 and a Zenith microcomputer in the 80's learning this "personal computer" stuff. So, no surprise, I've had a smartwatch. Super convenient. Preview messages. Check the weather. See appointments. So on, and so on, and so on. Except. Well, it started bothering me. Sure, it's great on the commute to see a text from my wife and be able to respond. Or to preview an email and decide how important it is. But, it was also intrusive. Texts at dinner buzzing on my wrist, driving the dopamine hit to "Just see what it says." Random moments at night, some notification that I had to determine whether or not was worthy of my attention. Spam calls hitting another piece of tech as I navigated my day. Not to mention, the times at work I can't have it on, given the spaces I'm in - so, then, what's the point, if I don't even have the tool? All this to say, about three weeks ago I pulled out the analog option. Dive watch, rated deeper than I ever intentionally plan to go again. GMT hand so I can keep my family's time zone visible even when I'm a world away. No bells. No whistles. No messages, previews, or vibrations. So far? It's been positive. I like being able to just look and see the uncluttered "it's this time". I certainly don't miss the digital intrustions. There's been moments of "phantom pain," and some times I'm like "Ugh, it would be nice to just..." - but, so far, the good outweighs the bad. Not selling off the smart watch yet. But, six months from now? Time will tell.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Welcome to My TED Talk

Just got back from a 23 hour return flight from overseas, no complaints there, honestly. Rather, I had to point out to one of the leaders over in our "International Office" that this was the sixth successful, well-received, and "we'd like more" workshop I'd done for them in just the past few years on a total of five of the seven continents. And, that, thereby, I would be updating my bio shortly to state "World-renowned speaker". I mean, that's how it works, right?

Saturday, August 10, 2024

I think we fought a revolution over crap like this?

So, there's a bit of a kerfluffle going on in Merry Olde England at the moment, over a numer of issues. Whatever. I'm in the camp of "the whole point of 1776 and after is for me not to care about the U.K.". Including the royal family, et al. But, apparently, one of the police commissioners on that side of the pond has opined that they may very well seek to charge, extradite, and convict Americans (and others) who make social media posts of which the powers-that-be do not approve. Hurumph. First off, you appear to have greatly overestimated your capabilities, good sir. Secondly, reference the above revolution, you may feel free to pack sand. Thirdly, as said in another moment, molon labe (bring it on, in the modern vernacular)...

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Dad Joke

Since my offspring refused to appreciate it, I will share here for even more mockery :D See, there's this grumpy woman who lives on the edge of the city. She mixes up potions and medicines for the locals, and is well-known. Of course, she's also overly-nosy and judgemental about her neighbors and those passing through. Townsfolk call her the Apotha-Karen...

Monday, March 11, 2024

Cultural Differences

If nothing else does, the near-ubiquitous presence of heated toilet seats argues for a superiority of Asian culture.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Time and Place

OK, for folks everywhere. Unless your genitalia are literally on fire, there is not a single converastion we may be having which requires you to continue/initiate/return a phone call while you are performing private bodily functions. I promise, whatever I have, it can wait til you are done. Seriously. Those of you doing it on speaker phones in public restrooms are even worse. Stop that crap. *NOTE* If your genitalia actually ARE on fire, please call someone more experienced and equipped to deal with such issues than myself, for both our sakes.

Sunday, November 19, 2023


There are times to be neat, polite, prim, and all that fancy stuff. A proper chili dog should make a mess when you eat it. This is not up for debate.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Veteran's Day

Going to change up the message a bit this year. Thank YOU. For the opportunity to let me serve something greater than myself. For the chance to be alongside some of the best men and women I've ever met, in good times and bad. For teaching me skills and discipline which are still with me today. For allowing me to travel the world, and realize how similar we all are. For challenging me in ways I never expected, and rewarding me in ways I still am learning. I'm humbled to have played my own, small part. Thank you to my nation for the chance.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Pondering Moments

Not sure where this memory popped up from. But, When you're young and impressionable, and you put a bird down in a grid square in the middle of nowhere, and a few guys in a mix of clothes get on for a ride - it leaves a mark on you. A time later, when you're one of the guys getting on that bird, it leaves a different mark.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Current Terror Events. And Canada needs a F-ing clue.

I can't write everything I'm feeling or thinking right now. It's too fresh. Too raw. I literally know people affected by this, much less the general horrors involved. I won't comment on history of the region, grievances on either side, or anything else. It's not black and white overall, particularly for those who only understand the world through 30-second sound bites. I will say this, without reservation, equivocation, or remorse. Particularly directed at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and the spineless minions who feel things are "nuanced". Let me help you out. If you believe that beheading babies, killing children and families in their beds, kidnapping and gang-raping women just for being on the other side, and taking civilian hostages to deter retalation after your attacks is somehow "justified", then you are a terrorist. Not anything else. Not some noble resistance or freedom fighter. You have abandoned all pretenses of humanity, and anyone excusing such actions is either stupid or complicit. Similarly, those happily engaged in sharing the digital trophies of such events, or holding rallies to celebrate these acts has openly stated their belief that barbaric horrors are perfectly fine against the "right" victims. Similarly, to the ass-hat in Ottawa who never met a dictator he didn't like - I'm fortunate enough to live in the United States, so I can still freely say such things, rather than face your ever-growing attempts to stifle online dissent, identify those who don't agree with you, and otherwise implement your draconian rules. No, I'm not very happy with humanity or the world right now. I just ask God to show mercy on those he can, and grant peace to those left behind.